Thursday, May 22, 2008

Denver, Colorado

Termed as the Napa Valley of Beer, this quaint and eco-friendly town hosted my visit for three days as I and Bolinao 52 attended the NALIP (National Association of Latino Independent Producers) Doing Your Doc Workshop. Performed as a case study for the participants, B52 was observed by approximately 20 people at the Rocky Mountain PBS. Some of the workshop attendees came from out of state. Most engaged in a documentary project of their own, while some came to get an exposure to the trade.

The main draw was Fernanda Rossi, the self-proclaimed Documentary Doctor. A story consultant on story structure and fund-raising trailers, Fernanda assisted filmmakers when they got stuck. She held workshops, panels and consultations regularly throughout the country. She also wrote books and columns for magazines. (

I took the opportunity to tour Denver on a beautiful Saturday. Haven't been to this city before, I decided to do a tour starting from the Cherry Creek area to downtown on foot. That was about 10 miles. Denver is a city built for bicyclists and outdoor enthusiasts, there were bike trials and city parks all over. Ahh, and the architectures around the city. Magnificient!! Unlike LA where public arts, graffiti and slums are assembled in clumps, Denver carries a blend of an old European town and a modern cosmopolitan. Well, why don't I just put up some photos and let you be a judge yourself.

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